It is July and the last correspondence I sent out
was possibly last November in 2017. The summer garden is planted
the wood kiln is cooling, the electric bisque kiln is heating up and I
am getting ready for a show at Brick Ceramic and Design Studio.
I have spent the past 6 months developing new work,
reorganizing the studio and exploring wood firing. The new work
will be exhibited at Brick Ceramic and Design Studio and the opening is
August 3rd. In addition to the opening reception, there will be a
workshop, artist talk and a closing date reception (see image below for
dates). There will be an opening at the coffee shop on the
closing date of Multiples-Process-Pattern. Ryan Laganson will be
talking about Yixing teapots and showing work inspired by the
teapots. I hope you can make it to one if not all of the
events. If you come please do not hesitate to say hello and tell
me how we met. I need help remembering due to the over
stimulation at art events.
Brick is run by Valerie Grossman. Val founded brick to serve the
community of Waterloo and bring a ceramic space to the area.
There is a gallery, communal studio, a few apartments and coffee shop
in the complex at 16021 Waterloo Rd. and E.161st St.
On the opening date of the show, Multiples-Process-Pattern, there will
also be a pop up show in the studio of Brick. Both Matthew
Pritchard and I will have work in the studio for sale. This is a
link to Matthew's website
and believe it or not I still do not have a website. I am on FB,
Instagram and have a Blog
You can search my name on FB and Instagram to find my page.
I am very excited about the new work I am making. Brinsley
Tyrrell, retired sculpture professor K.S.U., never plans on really
retiring. We go to Brinsley's property in Freedom Ohio and call
ourselves Fired in Freedom. You will see some of this work at
I hope you can come to visit and see the new work at Brick Ceramic and
Design Studio.
A few other things.
"An exhibit spotlighting the unique beauty and techniques of
wood-fired ceramics, featuring artists hand-selected from the NE
Ohio-area wood-firing community", curated by Judith Salomon, will
be at the Valley Art Center. I am honored to be included in this
exhibition opening Tuesday September 4th. The opening reception
date is September 14th 6-8 and the end date is Wednesday October 10th.
An exhibition titled MADE of CLAY, curated by Mary Urbas, will be at
The Gallery at Lakeland. I am honored to be invited to
participate in this exhibition. Opening and artist reception Thursday, September 20th, 7-9. This community college is where I
began working with clay with George Somogyi. A most amazing and
dear teacher who I will always hold dear in my heart. The exhibition dates are September 20 - November 2, 2018.
Teaching, yes I would like to get back to teaching in the studio.
Mark your calendars for a target date. How about September
26th. Please contact me if you are interested and I will begin to
promote the class.
Best Regards
Concept to Creation,
Theresa Yondo