I will have work at Doubting Thomas Gallery in Tremont, Ohio, along with many other artists for the Vacation Cleveland/Walk Across America Show.
I will have 50 hearts for our 50 states. My hearts is in ??? Cleveland is the title. You will be able to purchase a heart and then tag your state. So if you live in Ohio and you purchased a heart you would tag Ohio. This means you will place the name of your state where the heart once hung.
Artist reception will be July 8th at 6 p.m.
Laureen Deveney will be spending many hours at the gallery keeping the doors open. If you stop by please remember to thank her.
Below are some of the hearts from my last firing.
Porcelain hearts cone 10 electric fired. Approximate size 3.5 wide x 4 long.
Theresa Yondo
Concept to Creation