I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and spent time with loved ones.
This is a schedule update for my upcoming shows.
November 30 (Sunday) 1-6
Host: Cat and Laura at Prosperity.
Sunday, November 30th at Prosperity located at 1814 E. 40th St. #5 Cleveland Ohio 44103, hours are 1-6. This is always a big party and selling event with lots of art and fine craft to choose from. Cat and Laura are the perfect hosts and go all out.
December 6-7 (Saturday and Sunday)
6th, 10am-8pm and -7th, noon-5.
Host: Superior Hot Glass at 1588 E. 40th St.
between Superior and Payne and behind the Shovelworks Building which is at 1577 E. 40th St..
Sue Berry at Superior Hot Glass has invited me to show clay work with the gang at the studio.
There are many open studios this weekend and I hope you can add this one to your list.
December 12, (cancelled)
6-9:30 pm
Host: Jewel Heart in Tremont. Sale and open house is cancelled
December 20 (Saturday), 10-6
Host: Screw Factory Artists.
This event is at Lake Erie Building 13000 Athens Avenue Lakewood, Ohio 44107. It's a big show! You may find just about anything at this one!! Friends welcome to all events.
December 21 (Sunday), 1-4
at my studio in Novelty (AKA Russell Township), 13796 Chillicothe Rd. Novelty Ohio. 44072
I will be in the studio unpacking from the Last Minute Market.
You can stop by and say hello, check out all the things I did not bring out to the shows and all the things that came home with me from the shows.
Studio classes resume January 7th (Wednesday), more information to follow. Most information remains the same such as class times and fees.
You are always welcome to stop by the studio (by appointment).
13796 Chillicothe Rd. Novelty, Ohio 44072
Email so we can set up a time or phone if you have the number.