I did my graduate work at K.S.U.
My time there was very challenging as I was working nearly full time and had some health issues going on. I felt like a zombie but did make it through the program.
Kent State University is preparing for a 100 year anniversary celebration and there is a call for artists to submit work for possible inclusion in shows.
One of those shows is titled Greetings from Kent.
"Artists may submit up to two works for inclusion in the exhibition. Works must be 4 inch x 6 inch postcards."
I submitted two postcards one in remembrance of the time I spent with Kirk Mangus and Eva Kwong and the other card reflects the time I spent with John Gill and Andrea Gill. Below are the words of remembrance on this postcard.
Starting graduate school in 1994 with Kirk Mangus was no easy task. Working my way through the program was exhausting. Sometimes Kirk would walk through the studio at midnight. I would take a break and Kirk and I would sit on the couch. Kirk would chat and I would listen. Too exhausted to every reply! Thanks Kirk Mangus and Eva Kwong for helping me make it through the program.
Best Always,
Theresa Yondo